@article{oai:junshin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000122, author = {山崎, 律子 and YAMASAKI, Ritsuko and 中野, 智裕 and 五反田, 龍宏 and GOTANDA, Tatsuhiro and 楢村, 友隆 and 山田, 美幸 and YAMADA, Miyuki and 阿部, 一之 and ABE, Kazuyuki and 松田, 洋和 and NAKANO, Tomohiro and NARAMURA, Tomotaka and MATSUDA, Hirokazu}, issue = {5}, journal = {純真学園大学雑誌, Journal of Junshin Gakuen University,Faculty of Health Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 要旨 : 2011年に開学した純真学園大学は, 保健医療学部に看護学科, 放射線技術科学科, 検査科学科, 医療工学科の4学科を擁し, 開学時から4学科合同で段階的な多職種連携教育(IPE)に取り組んでいる. 今回, 4年間のIPEを経験した学生の学修成果と, IPEにおける今後の課題を報告する. IPEの学修成果は, 各IPEの授業終了後に学生による授業評価アンケートを実施して評価した. アンケート項目は, チーム医療に対する理解の深化を把握するための共通項目と, 他職種の理解を把握するための質問項目, 並びに4年次生に対する質問項目「チーム医療で最も重要なもの」を加え, それらについてデータを分析した. 結果, チーム医療に対する理解は学年が進行するに従って段階的に深まっていた. 一方, 本学で養成する看護師・保健師および臨床工学技士に対する理解において低い傾向がみられた. 授業に対する意欲は, 2年次で低下するものの3年次, 4年次と高くなった. 今後, 4学科合同のグループ学修の強化および授業方法を検討する必要性のあることが示唆された. Abstract : JUNSHIN GAKUEN University was founded in 2011 and Faculty of Health Sciences consisted of four departments, i.e., Department of Nursing, Radiological Science, Medical Laboratory Science, Medical Engineering. We carried out stepwise education for Interprofessional Education(IPE) in combined lecture of four departments since the opening of the university. In this paper, we report the results and problems of the stepwise education for IPE. We performed a questionnaire for evaluation of the lecture after the subject in each school year. We analyzed the data about common items which could grasp a change of the understanding about the team-based medical care, and a question item; "the thing which was the most important for team-based medical care", and question items of the understanding for the other types of job. As a result, the students made the understanding deeper about the team-based medical care. On the other hand, the student did not make the understanding deeper on the role of nurse, public health nurse and medical engineer trained in this school. Although the motivation of students for lecture was reduced in the second year, it was getting higher in the third and fourth years. It is future problems that there is a need to consider strengthening of group learning of the combined lecture of four departments and devising the teaching methods.}, pages = {055--062}, title = {段階的な多職種連携教育の実践の成果と課題}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ヤマサキ, リツコ and ナカノ, トモヒロ and ゴタンダ, タツヒロ and ナラムラ, トモタカ and ヤマダ, ミユキ and アベ, カズユキ and マツダ, ヒロカズ} }